As a teacher that uses a Mac in the classroom to present PP and keynotes, many times I find myself having to return to my Mac to unlock it and trying that none of the students see me entering my pw or having to go up to my mac to put it to sleep so that no one could snoop around while I am away from my computer; this app has made my life in the classroom much easier and at the same time keeps my Mac safe from intruders. I also have it on my Apple watch and find it even easier and convenient to use on it. One click on my watch to wake up my Mac or to put it to sleep.
The only one thing that concerns me is that it wakes up to quickly when I approach my Mac with my iphone not always wanting my Mac to wake up in that moment which I think might drain my battery to quickly. I think up to now it is an awesome app.
latintechnogirl about Near Lock